
By registering with us, you'll be able to discuss, share, and private message with other members of our community.

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  • Welcome Guest, to nopixel's Offical Website.

    Standard Allow listing is currently: Closed!

    Community Supporter Allow listing is currently: Open!

    Please pay attention to the forums and instructions given, community supporters still must apply like normal, they are just processed faster. If you do pass the application process, it may still take considerable time to join the server. The average wait time for an application review is 14 days.




This shows a full list of the smilies you can insert when posting a message.

BB codes

The list of BB codes you can use to spice up the look of your messages. This page shows a list of all BB codes that are available.


You can earn trophies by carrying out different actions. This page shows a list of the trophies that are available.

Cookie usage

This page explains how this site uses cookies.